yes ! it is amazing the the legendary stories that govern Hindu religion. there are several versions of the same event depending upon through whom you hear this but in essence all of these try to give the same message.
Ravana who was a powerful king and the Step brother of the god of wealth Kuberan had ten heads according to the legend.
He wanted to get some boons from Lord Shiva started meditating towards lord Shiva for years. To get the attention of Shiva and to show his devotion to him he started to cut his heads one by one.When he came to his last remaining head Lord Shiva appeared before him and promised him that he would grant what ever he wanted.
Ravana asked that he wanted to have the privilege to be the most important and best devotee of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva also granted him his wish.
Ravana had great knowledge of "Vasthu" that the knowledge building castles according to the religious fundamentals. He wanted use this knowledge of his and build a grand castle for Lord Shiva in Kailash.
he creates a model and start his journey towards Kailash on the way all the prople whom he meets advises him that Lord Shiva will never agree to have a castle in kailash as he is a person who likes to have a simple way of life.
In the mean time as per Parvati`s wish Lord Ganesha and Lord Muruga are going round the world looking for a suitable design for a castle for Kailash.
as per guru Vashista`s advice they follow in the direction he said and meet up Ravana with his model.
They decide that that was the best model for a castle that could be built in kailash. looking at all these preparation with a smile Lord Shiva grants the permission to go ahead.
Ravana finishes his beautiful castle and also make Lord Shiva and the family attend the house warming ceremony with all the Devas.
that is when the greed and wisdom meets. Yes when asked by Lord Shiva and Parvati what he expects to receive as a gift for his excellent construction. Ravana thinking that if he asks for the castle it self then he could take Lord Shiva and his family with him.
to his astonishment Lord Shiva and his family grants the castle to Ravana but insisted that it does not mean that they too go with him.
Disappointed Ravana returns home with the emty castle and an empty heart.
The storey explains few things without not refusing Parvati`s wish to have a castle and Ravana`s wish to build one Lord Shiva granted Ravana`s wish and made Parvati realise that the wish for a castle in Kailash is not a practicable one.
There have been lot of arguments saying all these are imaginative stories that are not useful. On the contrary every storey that we have has a hidden message in them. our wisdom is not to argue the negative side of the stories but to understand the positive message hidden in them.
Sakthi Sakthithasan