Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ohm !  Namashivaya 

Lord Shiva appears in a meditating but ever-happy posture. He has matted hair which holds the flowing Ganges river and a crescent moon, a serpent coiled around his neck, a trident (Trishul) in his one hand and ashes all over his body.

The Lord's attributes represent his victory over the demonic activity, and calmness of human nature. He is known as the "giver" god. His vehicle is a bull (symbol of happiness and strength) named Nandi.
 Shiva-Linga, a sign of the Lord, is adored instead of him. Shiva temples have Shiva-Linga as the main deity.

Lord Shiva - The Dancer Who Recreates

None gave him birth, He knows no Lord. None rules Him in the world, nor yet controls. No features mark Him out, yet cause He is. Prime cause of that which steers, the senses five, the soul within.” Shvetashvattara Upanishad.

Around the beginning of this millennium, it is said there was a revival of Saivism and the power of Shiva. By then the idea of Shiva had built into the vedic texts too. He is identified with Rudra in the Rig Veda. Various texts give different versions of his creation and each one they say is symbolic of his many facets. He, Shiva, is the one who has conquered time, for He destroys and re-creates. He, Shiva, is white in colour for white stands for justice in acts of annihilation. He, Shiva, is the one who has conquered death and historically his resurgence from the Pre-Aryan period to the present day obsession is one way of looking at it.

Another story says the Lord of all beings was a householder and of his wife Usha was born a child. The child kept crying so the father questioned him as to why he cried. He said he cried for the want of a name. The father was quick to name him if that could bring some quiet and he was called Rudra, from the rot word rud which means, to cry.

The Linga Purana has yet another version to relate. According to this story, Brahma, the creator had five mind-born sons. Many fathers may be able to sympathize with Brahma, for the father of creation too was dissatisfied with his sons. None of them showed any promise, the typical progenitor felt. He contemplated on Siva for solution. Siva himself appeared and told him He was his son. Siva then assumed the ardhanareeswara form.

The ardhanareeswara is yet another concept that Shiva stands for. In this aspect he draws the feminine into his own self. He is half man, half woman. A symbol of the Samkhya philosophy which talks of Purusha (the male energy) and Prakriti (the female energy) together making the cosmic energy.

As Ardhanareeswara, Shiva destroys the old, for in destruction there is renewal, it cleanses and constructs anew. In this new construction, he is the Father of Brahma. And the cycle of time, the process of recreation begin all over again.

In successive kalpas, or age, Shiva donned five roles. The five-form concept later took shape as the Panchamukha Shiva or Five faced Shiva with each face given a direction – the dimension of space had thus been added to the dimension of time. As Sadyojata he faced East, as tatpurusha he faced north, as Aghora he faced west and as Ishana he faced south. As Sadesiva (Eternal Shiva) he was looked above; symbolic of him being above all space. In the Linga Purana, Vishnu described Sabasiva as a pillar where the Ishana was the crown, Tatpurusha, the face, Aghora the heart and Vamadeva his sex organ and Sadyojata as his feet. The metaphor had been gathered into a manageable symbol and while many other stories exist for the worship of the phallic symbol of Shiva, this was the beginning.

Sakthi Sakthithasan

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Shiva (Sanskrit: Auspicious One) is one of the main deities of Hinduism that is worshipped as the paramount lord by the Shaivaite sects of India.

In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is regarded as the representation of the Supreme Being. He is known as the third element in the Hindu Trinity (Trimurti), the other two members being Lord Brahma - the creator and Lord Vishnu - the protector. Shiva is the destructive form of the Almighty. As the cycle of destruction and recreation is always in a circle, Shiva’s primary responsibility is maintaining the life cycle. Scholars say, as the Mahakaal, Shiva destroys and dissolves everything into nothingness but as Shankara, he also reproduces that which has been destroyed and dissolved. His symbol of Lingam or the phallus represents this reproductive power.

Lord Shiva is also considered to be the most unique of all Hindu gods and also the God of all. A great ascetic, Shiva is the only godhead who is forever in deep meditation, totally absorbed in contemplation in His abode, Kailaasa Mountain in the great Himalaya. Lord Shiva is also said to be inseparable from Shakti - Parvati the daughter of Himavaan - Haimavati. There is no Shiva without Shakti and no Shakti without Shiva, the two are one - or the absolute state of being.

Shiva is often shown with many faces, as creator, destroyer and preserver in total command of the cosmos. He contains both good and evil. He is moody, free of inhibitions, easy to please, protector of the down trodden, and has the power to alter the laws of destiny. Thus, it is Lord Shiva is known as the God of mercy and kindness. He protects his devotees from all evil that are always around us. He blesses his followers with grace, knowledge and peace.

Thank you : Mahasivaratri Web site