Thursday, May 23, 2013

Detachment and Shiva

The main characteristic of Shiva is detachment.

Why detachment is so important?

In our daily life we come across lots of events. Some of them bring us happiness, some of them bring us sadness, some of them bring us stress and anxiety and some of them bring us anger and frustrations.

But all of the above events will play havoc with our emotions. without a proper handle on our emotions we will ride on an emotional rollercoaster and this is not in the best interest of our health .

When we speak about Lord Shiva we come across lot of people who might ridicule the beliefs that we have on the basis of atheism. Spiritual belief is not something that you believe anything and everything.

Teachings of Shiva have a basis. It is encouragement of a pure life. When I say detachment and pure life it does not mean that one has to leave the worldly relationships and commitments and take up a life away from family and friends.

Lord Shiva`s teachings are to lead a happy family life. Detachment is powerful weapon to combat the daily stress and strain of the worldly troubles.

I am not a sage or a scholar on religious affairs or someone with fanatical religious beliefs. I am merely a person who is living an average family life with average relationships. But before I embarked upon knowing more about Lord Shiva and his teachings I had many unanswered questions with lots of confusion hanging over the events that took place in my life.

I am not claiming that I am a trouble free learned person. I still have problems and confusions but these do not disturb me as they used to be before . I have more explanations for what happens in my life.

Through this quest for knowing more I am slowly experiencing the benefit of Detachment. By detaching one’s self from his life in mind it is amazing to look at your life as a third person . And it is fascinating that the cause and the solutions for your problems in life lie within yourself.

Ones you start to realize this your ego starts to dissolve and your appreciation of the people around you and their life begins to unravel within yourself.

I am only in the first step of the great ladder that Shiva provided. I have many, many more steps to climb but it is my intention to share my experiences and record them as the present writings are the mirror of our times to the future generations.

Even though we all have different cultural background and different religious beliefs we are all of the basic human kind with respect and love for each other. The best way to serve god is to be a considerate human and have respect for each other and their beliefs.

This is what Lord Shiva said.

Om Namashivaya

Sakthi Sakthithasan

Sunday, May 12, 2013

 What is Sivam ?

Sivam is complete 
Sivam is universe  
Sivam has no beginning or no end 
Sivam is our soul
Sivam is our life
Sivam is the breath that keeps us alive
Sivam has no division
Sivam is love, love is Sivam
Sivam is peace
We are within Sivam yet Sivam is within us
Sivam is the  boundless energy that exists to effect good deeds
In the religious ladder there are several steps in the form of different deities . We climb the ladder with the help of each step, as we advance and take a step up our view towards the world that we live in changes accordingly. Slowly our aim in life start to come out of vicious selfish circle and the true meaning of detachment begin unravel within our self.

Once we have climbed to the top we pass the boundaries of religion and it does not matter which god you believe in but your mind embraces the universal fact of spiritual awakening.

The theory of Siva`s wisdom reiterates this fact. Due to this only the true meaning of Sivam demonstrates itself in love that we show towards the other souls. 

Siva states that "it the body that suffers the end but the soul does not die it takes another form" As it enters a new body the soul will cleanse it self as long as it searched for the truth that sustains the true values of a good human.

Sivam never divide people ------- Sivam unifies everyone in this universe

Sakthi Sakthithasan